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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dream in a dream

We were walking down an unknown street. Some shops seemed familiar, few unknown. Where were we? I was bit scared, yet holding her hand and crossing the street, I didn't let her know of my anxiety. I asked her " Are you hungry kya?" She nodded her head. I looked around for places to eat. I saw a KFC a few metres ahead. We kept walking. The street was quite deserted. I was wondering why was it?
Suddenly I heard gun shots and screams, and before I realized what was happening, a gun shot hit me and I was lying on her lap, barely breathing. I really didn't realize what was happening. Was I going to die? She was crying. How changed will be her life without me? All those questions came to my mind. Suddenly everything went blank. It scared a hell out of me. I shivered and woke up! It was a dream. I was sleeping and she was asleep right beside me. Thank God. It was just a dream, I checked my mobile, 5.36 am. I kissed her on her dimple. Such dreams are really scary. My mom used to say never to keep your hand over your chest, it brought bad dreams. Perhaps I had kept my hand on my chest while sleeping. With all this thoughts and thanking God, I slept again. My phone rang after a while," Oh no! Who's calling me this early morning?" Without even looking, I pressed the silent button and slept again. Few minutes later, again it rang, I had to wake up now. I took my mobile and saw her name. Why was she calling? I turned around, she wasn't there!! I picked up the call " Wake up, it's 3.00 PM, you will be late for office". I was not able to get what was happening, I checked the time, it was indeed 3.05 PM and the date was 10th Sept 2013. I was shocked! She was asleep beside me was a dream and me getting hit by a gun shot dying was a dream inside that dream. I told her the story and she laughed. Even though we are in two different corners of the country and we hardly meet, atleast for a moment I really felt, she was just right next to me. ~~~~By Parthajyoti
Way back in 2009, when I was still jobless, I got this awesome girl, Btech MBA, working in an MNC. I was almost thinking "life to set hai boss". On our first date we decided to watch Avatar, the first 3D movie for both of us. We were awestruck. What an experience! It was the break time, I went to get pop corn and Pepsi, she accompanied. She was still in the avatar world and said "Wish our life was in 3D, it would be so exciting" and me started thinking "Did she mean about the blue color or...?? ". It made me something and it became our last date too